At Kingdom Builder we strive to provide a Christian lens to view all of history. We discuss events from creation to current from a Christian World View. We look at the good, the bad, and the ugly working toward an understanding of God’s hand in all the events of history. We want to make certain that regardless of your student’s future pursuits they are fully equipped with a solid foundation of history with a Christian World View.
Textbook: American Republic 4th Ed, BJU Press
Class Length: 32 weeks (2 semesters)
Class format:Lecture/Multi-Media presentation, Reading, Homework, Tests, One 3-5 page research paper per 16 week semester
Description: “Showing God's work through American history, and emphasizing traditional American values such as liberty (when for the Christian Good), individualism, equality, and growth (described as achieving goals such as gaining wealth, buying property, changing the environment, enjoying new experiences, and following the Creation Mandate), this text employs a conservative Christian worldview in interpreting the events of the past.”